Just something I put together in an attempt to better convey the relative disparities in net worth among the Democratic candidates for president this primary season. Mouseover for estimates.
Category: miscellaneous
Thoughts on marriage in the 21st century
Recently released data from Pew’s American Trends Panel survey confirm that American attitudes toward marriage are undergoing a steady but seismic shift. By 2017, only 50% of Americans ages 18-44 had ever been married. There are marked generational differences on the question of whether long-term cohabiters should ultimately marry; 55% of those ages 18-29 agree…
The Fabric of Reality
The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch Among the most insightful and profound books I’ve ever read. Although the title (and especially the subtitle) might make it seem like this is another in an endless stream of pop-sci infotainment books on hypey topics in theoretical physics, it is most definitely not that. I found the…
Scivias and the illuminations of Hildegard von Bingen
Scivias by Hildegard of Bingen Hildegard von Bingen’s Scivias (short for “Scito vias Domini,” or “Know the Ways of the Lord”) is, as the title suggests, mostly comprised of various divinely-ordained rules for life, with an emphasis on potential social deviancy. In a manner reminiscent of the Book of Revelation (or even the Quran), Hildegard…
Natalia Karp plays Chopin’s Nocturne in C-sharp minor
From Wikipedia: In 1943, after the death of her husband in a bomb raid, Karp was sent to the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp where she came into contact with Amon Göth (a man who had personally shot 30-90 women and children during the liquidation of the Tarnów ghetto). On his birthday, Göth ordered her to play…
On autophagy
Autophagy (from the Greek “auto” and “phagy,” literally meaning “self-eating”) is an intracellular process in eukaryotes that involves the breakdown and recycling of organelles, proteins, and other molecules. Cellular components targeted for degradation are typically dysfunctional or inefficient (i.e. such degradation may represent a diversion of resources), and are enveloped by an autophagosome (a double-membraned…